Case Study

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Our customer, Yoko, has a six-month-old baby called Coconut Candy, who suffered from relatively dry skin, eczema and Seborrhoeic dermatitis, as a result of dry, peeling and redness skin.

Recommended by a member of Mama Club, Yoko started to use the CHARISMS organic baby balm to handle her daughter’s skin problem. The balm moisturized Coconut Candy’s skin, and she no longer suffer from peeling and dry. Yoko also prefers the natural smell from CHARISMS organic baby balm. In addition, she also use the CHARISMS organic baby balm to massage her baby’s head to remove the dander.

In order to improve skin condition and strengthen the skin’s moisture barrier for baby, Yoko uses CHARISMS organic baby balm for Coconut Candy’s body every day. Members of the Mama Club start to give a new name to this balm as “Beauty Recover Balm”.

Another customer京姬has similar situation as Yoko, who’s six-month-old baby, Pin Pin, had dry skin with eczema on face, redness, itching, dry conditions and sometimes appear to have rash.

京姬 started to use CHARISMS organic baby balm for her baby as moisture cream after Mama Club sharing, She was satisfied that the product has a long lasting moisture effect. After the use of CHARISMS, PinPin’s inflamed situation has been significantly receded and her skin become moisturized and stop itchy. Since her skin condition is back to normal, Pin Pin no longer scratch her face because of itchy.

Due to the quick-improvement on skin conditions, Mama Club named CHARISMS organic baby balm as “Beauty Recover Balm”.
After 14 days
After 14 days
After 21 days, cured!
After 21 days, cured!
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